Is there any zigbee based device which has multiple inputs and can seen as some binbary sensors?
I mean there is a Com pin and some input pins. When I shortcut the Com with any of the input pins it gives a binary sensor output (e.g. via Z2M). It should not switch anything and should ve 12V or 240V or any power input just to work.
You can use a TI chip with this firmware
Also search DIY here
Thanks a lot. Firstly I try to find an out of the box solution. Maybe it exists
Something like this Xiaomi Aqara Opple Wireless Scene Switch 6 Button WXCJKG13LM Zigbee compatibility is just 6 microswitches in a case. Hackable.
Great idea to hack it! And also I should hack the power input. The problem that it is press based. I mean here is no option to be able to set a state (pressed) for longer time like 2-3 hours. One option to use e.fg. a leak sensor (or door sensor) with its input but the problem that one device has one input and I need 4-6 inputs.
I’m looking for the same thing but only need two inputs, one output (relay). This would be perfect but doesn’t seem to be available for sale yet :IO Module - Bring wired devices online
Hi , do you find a solution? I have the same question
The solution is in post 2.