I am creating a dashboard for each room that will have a pixel tablet in it. the dashboard will be custom to that room. But I also have a room based “whole house” dashboard that covers lights, locks, and other general things in each room. This “whole house” dashboard will be accessible from 4 or 5 tablets and I don’t want to have to manage 4 or 5 separate dashboards for each tablet. My issue is how can I use a back button on the “whole house” dashboard to do back to the specific room dashboard?
So the tablet in the kitchen will have the kitchen dashboard on it with a button that navigates to the “whole house” dashboard.
The tablet in the living room will have the living room living room dashboard on it with another button that navigates to the “whole house” dashboard.
When I click on the back button on the kitchen tables in the “whole house” dashboard I need it to go back to the kitchen dashboard and same for the living room dashboard.
is there a way to do this? Or is there a better way to do what I am trying to do?
That does indeed go “back” but it goes back to the previous page. Not the room Dashboard unless the room dashboard was the page they came from. There are other pages that they can access that mess that up.
That is closer than I had gotten before though. Thank you!!!
Ah, sorry. I might have misunderstood your goal here. For going directly to a specific dashboard, you can use either the mushroom chips (my go-to for looks) or the built-in buttons. In both cases, just use the “navigate” action for the tap. There you can set the path to the dashboard you want to navigate to:
I don’t think I am explaining myself very well. Let me start over.
I have 2 tablets. Kitchen and Living Room. and I have a default dashboard for Each Tablet that is set by the user that is logged in to that Tablet.
On Each of those Dashboards there is a button called Whole House Which takes you to a Different Dashboard (/dashboard-wholehouse/0).
the whole house has a tab for each room in the house and you can click into each room and go back to the main Whole house dashboard fine cause all that is the same for each user.
my problem is how do I get back to the Kitchen or Living room dashboard depending on who is logged in?
A simple back action will not work as back might be from the whole home dash to the bedroom dash if that was my last page.
Ah, I see. If I understand you correctly, then you have a different user for each tablet? If so, you could create the same “back” button multiple times, each with a different navigation target and control their visibility with a condition based on the user.
So basically, the kitchen tablet user gets the button displayed that leads back to the kitchen, the living room tablet user the one for the living room and so on.
You would of course have this row of buttons on every view you need. It however displays only the button that meets the condition (user).