Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily ๐Ÿ„ (Part 1)

Hi! :wave:

I would like to present you a project Iโ€™ve been working for several weeks: :mushroom: Mushroom

Itโ€™s collection of cards to help you to build a lovelace dashboard.


  • :hammer_and_wrench: Editor for all cards and and all options (no need to edit yaml but you can!)
  • :heart_eyes: Icon picker
  • :paintbrush: Color picker
  • :rocket: 0 dependencies : no need to install another card.
  • :rainbow: Based on Material UI colors
  • :first_quarter_moon: Light and dark theme support
  • :art: Optional theme customization
  • :earth_americas: Internationalization

Availables cards

  • :rotating_light: Alarm card
  • ๐ŸชŸ Cover card
  • ๐Ÿช„ Entity card (compatible with all entity domains)
  • :dash: Fan card
  • :bulb: Light card
  • ๐Ÿ™‹ Person card
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Template card (with template support like the markdown card)
  • :bell: Chips card
  • :pencil2: Title card
  • :package: Update card
  • :thermometer: Climate card
  • :tv: Media card
  • :broom: Vacuum card

Why Mushroom ?

The idea behind Mushroom is to provide an easy way to build a beautiful dashboard with a full editor support like official Home Assistant cards.

There interface is heavily inspired by the 7ahangโ€™s work on Behance and the excellent Ui Lovelace Minimalist.
But there is some important differences to notice :

  • Minimalist is for people who want a beautiful customized dashboard and are not afraid of the yaml (customization is awesome with Minimalist :heart_eyes:)
  • Mushroom is for people like me who hate yaml and prefer to build their dashboard with the interface (icon picker, color picker, toggle, select, etcโ€ฆ)

Mushroom is currently is in Beta because itโ€™s pretty new so they can be some breaking changes in the next releases but you can give it a try if you want !

It is available in HACS, just search for โ€œMushroomโ€ in the โ€œFrontendโ€ section.

Feel free to give feedback :hugs:


Nice work!


This is incredible! Great work! I have migrated my entire dashboard over to this. Iโ€™m really excited to see the media card.


Tried this out. Very cool. Thank you for sharing and posting this. Looks like my dashboards are itching for an overhaul now :smiley:

P:S Requesting if you could include a button card. I have alot of switches connected to lights and fans which dont show up in either light or fan cards.


Well, this is absolutely beautiful!!

Thankโ€™s for the feedbacks :relaxed:

For the button/switch card. You can use the Mushroom Entity Card :

type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
entity: switch.your_switch
  action: toggle

I put the yaml but you can configure this with the editor of course.


Finally touch friendly color temp control, this is great!

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Nice looking cards, great work!

Thanks. Again, Fantastic work. Already revamping my dashboard.

Itโ€™s great!! congratulations. Start to using now

Iโ€™m in love with these cards!

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Well Done ! really awesome :slight_smile:

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Good work. I like very much

Awesome work on this! Iโ€™m looking forward to future updates.

There are a number of nice custom cards built for minimalist that would be awesome to port over.

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Very nice! Would be great to add some sample code of the preview image so i can check how you worked it out with Title text and horizontal/vertical stacks

This has the full look & feel as UI minimalist and feels a bit like a copy under you own name. Whatโ€™s the added value of using mushroom compared to UI minimalist? :sweat_smile: Why not contribute to that project rather than making a new one? :nerd_face:

Iโ€™m not trying to criticize here but just trying to understand how this might differentiate from the original project :wink:

I think that the idea was to take Minimalist and make it into something thatโ€™s super easy for anyone to use.


Mushroom is way easier for non-yaml people (and frankly said: thereโ€™s not much you could misunderstand while configuring).


I am a newbie and to do minimalist UI was kind of out of my reach as of now. This is easy plug and play system he has created. He has credited those people he took ideas from. Plus, this is all done for the betterment of the community as a whole. Experts and non-experts alike.


IMHO there is one big difference - itโ€™s usability. The ease of use of Mushroom is really awesome!
Iโ€™m trying to familiarize myself with YAML, primarily to get a clean, responsive interface to Home Assistant on mobile devices. Itโ€™s a pretty slow learning and struggle process.
Iโ€™m still trying to understand and learn YAML, but now itโ€™s possible to get a minimalist interface without being a YAML pro. I really like it.

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