Multi site support

Ability to control 2 separate instanses of HA. ( ex. summer house and main) ability to synk devices and entities. (position of person from one to Another. easy to switch site in app ( rule based based on position, wifi etc.) possible solution to replicate thru nabu casa. the remote instance solve some of the needs but is mainly one way.

This might be a solution.

Thanks! Yes i am running this and it solves “half the task”… i want to replicate devices from both sides. I need to dig deeper in this so i am shur its not possible but so far i have not found that… (you define on one side what devises shoud be replicated.) it might be possible to run 2 , one in each direction… but the second question is how the app could connect to both? (or swithc between them based on location prefferable).
thanks anyhow. (do you run this?)