Multicolor outdoor LED light

anyone got these working with HA? they can be controlled via Bluetooth so no idea if bluetooth proxy will work

if BT not good, could you share a link for something that does work via zigbee or zwave?
i am looking for something with warm white but would be nice to change to any color also…

In my experience avoid Bluetooth and go for WiFi.

I now use Novostella lights from Amazon and I’m really pleased with them.

@DesertBlade did a nice tutorial to get these reflashed with the Tuya Cloud Cutter firmware.

You can view it here - Novostella Blaze 25W RGB Flood Lights Local Control w/DDP - Share your Projects! / Custom Integrations - Home Assistant Community (

Initial reflashing can be a little fiddly but if you get yourself a Raspberry Pi 4 set-up, you can do all of the stuff from there.

Oh, and get yourself a smart plug with a manual operation switch, you have to power-cycle the light to get it into reprogramming mode. All can be done without opening the case.

Good luck, Andy

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I was able to flash these with basically the same steps as Novostella and they are RGBWW. They are out of stock, and a plastic body. There might be others out there that are flash-able. Its hard to tell with out breaking them open, which I had to do with the Novostella. Even same brands and models switch out the chips.

Here is the ESPHome for these, if anyone stumbles onto this:

  name: "flood-light-1"
  friendly_name: Flood Light 1

  name: ${name}
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
  board: generic-bk7231n-qfn32-tuya

  #level: "VERY_VERBOSE"

    key: !secret key

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

    ssid: ${name}
    password: !secret fallback_password



 - platform: libretiny_pwm
   id: red_output
   pin: PWM4
 - platform: libretiny_pwm
   id: green_output
   pin: PWM2
 - platform: libretiny_pwm
   id: blue_output
   pin: PWM1
 - platform: libretiny_pwm
   id: ct_output1
   pin: PWM0
 - platform: libretiny_pwm
   id: ct_output2
   pin: PWM5

  - source:
      type: git
      # ref: ddp-libretuya
    components: [ ddp ]
    refresh: always


 - platform: rgbww
   restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF
   name: ${friendly_name}
   red: red_output
   green: green_output
   blue: blue_output
   warm_white: ct_output1
   cold_white: ct_output2
   color_interlock: true
   cold_white_color_temperature: 153 mireds
   warm_white_color_temperature: 500 mireds
     - ddp

Someone posted in the Novostella thread a RGBCW flood that is flashable