Multilingual TTS

@pvizeli , thank you for the awesome TTS component!

It would be useful if TTS language could (also) be set in real time, in case I have text in different languages I want to generate.

If you are OK with the concept I can take a stab at this.

Wow, that would be great to have tts in other languages then english

TTS already supports languages. @andrey is talking about changing languages on the fly, rather than via the configuration file.

  - platform: google
    language: 'de'

i think it would make more sence to set the language as default and then override it when given when you use tts.

I’m going to plus 1 this. I think the user should be able to make a call like so

  - service: tts.google_say
      entity_id: media_player.living_room
      message: Hello there, I am a british computer now
      language: 'en-uk'

My default en voice is Australia, because that’s where I am. The Google Australian voice just jarrs me, so I’ve switched it to UK for all speech. However, it would be good to have the option to override this depending on the message.

I imagine it would be particularly useful for voiceRSS users, where they could have all their messages about the dishwasher from a male voice, and all messages about the clothes washer from a female voice for example.

Oh yes, having multi lingual family, that would be great.

I noticed you can send a TTS command from the front-end. Very very cool. Maybe do a command
en: Here the phrase to say
es: Aqui el texto

yes got it now. It would be awesome

Hello guys. TTS supported Portuguese Language? pt-PT female ? Or pt-br?
I have already instaled oxmplayer in my raspberry pi and i ear some mp3 through one speaker that is connected on my Rpi.

My question is if i can ear Portuguese voice on my rpi for omxplayer or if i have to install another thing.

Created pull request to address this

cool, thanks!!

Can this be used for Amazon Polly? Haven’t been able to get it to work

woul like it too