Multiple accounts on one phone


As the title sugests, I’d like to know if there’s any way to have 2 accounts, or import some scripts and functions from one account to another. I have a Home Assistant server at home and one at my parents house. I’d like to be able to use both. I tought about controlling the one at my parents home directly through the browser interface, but I also have some scripts make in Apple Shortcuts that would not work if I log out from the app. Any help si kindly appreciated.

Thank you!

Is there an easy way to switch between two HA accounts (in separate houses) in the app or browser? It’s a pain to log out of one and type in the credentials of the other.

I’d like that too, for remote access

A three finger swipe jumps between instances.

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So it does! Thank you.

For other readers more detail: on my iPhone 11 a 3-finger swipe to the left on any dashboard cycles through my accounts, to the last dashboard viewed in each account. A 3-finger swipe upwards (but not from the bottom of the screen) pulls up a list of accounts.

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