Multiple automatic backups

TLDR: Allow users to duplicate automatic backups for different scenarios - daily backups to a local NAS and weekly backups to the HA Cloud due to bandwidth constrains

With the recently added option to backup HA to HomeAssistant cloud, I would like to utilise this feature. But my internet is somewhat bad and upload of ±2GB file would take well over 2 hours. And it would be wasteful to upload practically the same data every day.

(You cannout do this with automation, tried it. Doesn’t allow upload to HA Cloud. Only to local disk or NAS). And yes, you can do it the other way, automatic backup once a week only to cloud and with automations do the backup to local or NAS storage. But having all backups in one place is most convenient.

Simply there will be the option to create multiple backup schedules with multiple destinations.

This is all true, but there was thought put into this.
If you have not watched the first hour of the release broadcast this week, I suggest you watch it and see why things were done as they were done.

Sorry, don’t had time to watch the video.
What’s the reason for a single schedule?

Why not give the users the possibility of multiple schedules! It will not harm any user which just uses a single schedule.

I would love to be able to have one automated backup keep 3 copies locally and on HA cloud, but keep all backups on my remote NFS share. The ability to create multiple automated backup tasks would help me a lot.

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