Multiple cast devices - differentiatiate?

So if you have more than 1 cast device, how do you tell which is which?
The docs say:

  • host:

there is no naming section and you cannot use the ‘integrate’ menu in the GUI - says only need to integrate 1 device.

Have you restarted with this config in place yet by chance? I’m thinking it may pull the name once connected to the cast device. I didn’t manually setup my devices, but the names were all pulled automagically.

Having problems with Discovery - it won’t turn off, so getting all my son’s devices on the network as well … got 8 cast devices, using ignore in discovery has no effect (have created an issue).
So, looking for a way to define the cast devices in configuration.yaml

you name them in customize.yaml

  friendly_name: Such and Some

You name them in your Google app, so if you have Kitchen, Lounge and Bedroom in the Google app, you get, media_player.lounge and media_player.bedroom in homeassistant.

Then you just put cast: in your config, and confirm the integration from the dashboard.

thanks - will have a go with that
Great - that worked!
Pity the documents aren’t that good