How do I setup multiple CT Clamps on the esp32 board? I see in the example there is only one. I don’t under stand how the pin ties to the CT Clamp.
- platform: ct_clamp
sensor: adc_sensor1
name: "Measured Current 1"
update_interval: 60s
- platform: ct_clamp
sensor: adc_sensor2
name: "Measured Current 2"
update_interval: 60s
- platform: adc
pin: A0
id: adc_sensor1
- platform: adc
pin: A1
id: adc_sensor2
Cool. That is what I’m doing. Sensor has to match id. Might just be wiring or something else
Do your CTs have built-in resistors to convert current to voltage, or do you need to provide an external resistor?