I’m trying to get up to speed with HomeAssistant at the moment and would appreciate some help. Using the ESPHome addon, I have added an ESP32 device with an htu21d sensor and that is giving me temperature and humidity readings in the HA Dashboard - great start!
I wanted to correct the temperature reading and added to the device yaml file “filters:” and “offset: -4.1” which worked fine to correct temperature but I seemed to have to recompile and reinstall the firmware - is that the best way to calibrate devices? - I assumed there would be a way to set calibration values in a text file which the firmware reads from its flash - is that possible? What is the recommended way to calibrate individual devices? - Surely not to have custom firmware for every device?
I want to have multiple identical temp and humidity sensors around my house. Do I have to effectively compile the firmware again and again for each device I add or can I install the same .bin file on every device and then just give them different names in the dashboard? - this possibly ties in with question 1 since if the calibration is baked in to the firmware, they would all have to have different firmware.