Multiple DNS queries

I am contributing to the development of an integration and have a DNS issue.

To update the sensors, via polling, 12 http get requests are needed.
The polling occurs every 2 minutes (HA default).
The integration is using the Python requests library for each get.

This results in 12 DNS queries to the same URL every two minutes.

How can optimise this to reduce the DNS queries?

I’ve tried using a requests.session(), but this does not seem to help - still many DNS queries are made.

How are other integrations dealing with this?

Are these multiple DNS queries causing any issues? I would leave it up to the operating system to decide how often it needs to query the DNS server.
The way that local networks typically deal with this is by having a local DNS forwarder - typically run on your Internet router.

No, it’s not causing any issues as such, but it stands out as making 10 times more DNS calls than any other integration I have. So it seems other integrations may have an optimised approach?

I’d say other integrations simply need fewer http requests, and hence make fewer DNS queries.
I wouldn’t worry about optimising the number of DNS queries.