I’ve been watching a ton of videos to try and figure out what I could setup at my house in terms of door locks and I haven’t been able to figure this one out, I feel like people with actual experience will know this much better.
At my house I have 1 door that only opens from the inside (without key) and two that can open from either side.
Every night I lock all 3 doors, and every morning i unlock them, this seems like a great automation use case but I’m not sure which locks to use.
My idea was to have either some kind of setup that if I unlock one door it automatically unlock all 3 (and vice versa) or to be time based, every night locks all doors at a certain time etc.
Do I need specific door locks that integrate between them selfs? or is this doable by home assistant.
I have what seems to be a big constraint, I’m from Europe, for some reason most nicer lock models I find in videos simply are not sold here.
Anyway, thanks! any ideas/opinions are welcome!
João Lourenço.