Multiple errors after moving to container

Hi all,

I recently moved my HA to a new system as my Conbee II on a Synology just stopped working and the Synology wasn’t really coping with the workloads I’ve thrown on it.
I moved to a Lenovo mini desktop running Ubuntu with HA in a container. Zigbee network is great now but I’m running into a number of other errors that I suspect are network related. Was hoping the folks here could help with a direction for troubleshooting.
Some of the errors I’m seeing are:

  1. In the iOS app I get an error indicating that my minimalist cards are not installed. Refreshing the page fixes it every time.
  2. I’m getting these errors in the logs
  3. HA doesn’t seem to be finding the updates. I’m running 2022.11.1 and Frontend 20221102.1 and the system tells me I’m running the latest.

The network mode for the container is host.

Any ideas on where I can start my troubleshooting?
