Multiple fibaro hubs

In version 0.83.0 fibaro hub component was added, great news. But I have 3 fibaro hub to control my complete house (3 separate buildings)
One HC2 and 2 HCL.
Currently it is only possible to have one hub, I would like to have possibility to run 3 hubs in paralell.

Hi Jonas,

Currently it only supports one hub, but in the future Iā€™ll wrap my head around multi-hub support. Are they unconnected, separate, independent systems? So you didnā€™t add them to each other through gateway integration?


Hi Peter
I have used the gateway integration in fibaro HC2 before, but it works quite poorly (sensors just stop updating), so currently I access each hub directly REST API from home assistant.
This way I get updated values.

But I really like what you have done with the fibaro hub component, so it would be easier to integrate all three hubs with that, if it is supported.

I understand if this is not high prio as I think I have a more complex setup than most (due to different buildings with more distance than z-wave can cover), but just a wish.


Hi Jonas,

Iā€™ll rework the component into the new config flow model and with that enable support for multiple hubs. But my life has been very busy lately, so Iā€™m not sure when Iā€™ll get to it.


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Hi Peter

Wonderful that you reply, it is not in any way urgent. The implementaiton as it is now have helped me a lot.

But of course looking forward to the new implementation.


Hi Jonas,

Iā€™ve created a PR with mulitple Fibaro HC support. Could you test it?


Hello Peter

I would be more than happy to do so, but I donā€™t know how ?

I normally only update to the released versions of (and I have some custom components), but I have never downloaded code directly.

Can you guide me, then I can update t this version and test it,


In what release will this be implemented?

Is this supported now?

Support for multiple hubs was added in 0.86 according those particular release documents.

ā€¦ and it works perfectly (running 1 home center and 2 home center light in different buildings).

Hi can you advise me how to set up communication from two Fibaro gateways?
- url:
username: user
password: pass
how to add another?

well thank you

The way I have it setup for three gateways:


    - url: http://192.168.0.xx/api/

      username: !secret fibaro_user

      password: !secret fibaro_password

    - url: http://192.168.0.xx/api/

      username: !secret fibaro_user

      password: !secret fibaro_password

    - url: http://192.168.0.xx/api/

      username: !secret fibaro_user

      password: !secret fibaro_password

very nice Thank you for your help