Multiple flows that use the Telegram bot. sane? or how to merge them

I am using several NR flows in HA to detect and notify me (via the Telegram bot) of occurrences
In each flow there are one or more ‘sender’ nodes, which reference the same Telegram bot object. Before a message reaches this, an ‘edit function node’ modifies the message to select the Telegram chatId, so that eg urgent messages go into one chat, regular ones into another

Recently, I had errors popping up tellimg me of a conflict, and to make sure to only have one bot running.

Is it even sane to have several active/deployed flows with one of more of those sender nodes, or will they get into each other’s way?

Is there a way to hand off a message to another flow, so that I could have a single flow with a sender node, that takes (and queues?) all such messages to that they are not happening in parallel?

Ah. i found the link in/out nodes, which do the trick. I will modify all my flows to use these