Multiple harmony*.conf files

Hi All,

I see In my HA folder multiple harmony*.conf files

-rw-r--r--  1 root root     14643 May 14 20:18 harmony_9866324.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     10096 Apr  9 15:10 harmony_logitech_harmony.conf
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     10071 Nov 20 12:10 harmony_harmony_hub.conf

Can I remove the 2 oldest once without problem?

If you only have one hub, I would safely say yes, that being said, I would take a backup of all them first. I’ve notice the same thing a few weeks back, took a backup and deleted all of them on my machine, HA recreated one similar to the newest one that you are showing, I never needed to restore.

Before I do some actions I always backup. But if someone can tell me yes you can… Makes live more easy. I have 1 Harmony. So oldest 2 can removed.