Multiple HASS advice

I have now 2xHASS my and my parents house. Both have their own nabucasa accounts. What is the best practice so i can have easy access on my phone with the APP to both HASSes.
Android 10(doesnt support profiles anymore)
And i dont want to make one of them slave and other master.
Samsung S10+

Thank you

Can you not make use of parallel apps maybe? Just guessing…

Use the browser for your parents.
The benefit of the app is the sensors for location etc, so you’ll want them tied to your house I’d expect

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Hi,does that mean that some app will be in the middle? As i have security system of the house in HASS,the paralel app might ve listening on the conversation,no?

Hi,also notification no? I opened the browser, then added to home screen and it worked nice,but cant do notify,or maybe i didnt set it up correctly, will try to figure it out,if notification work then thats the solution :slight_smile: atleast for now

You can do html5 notifications through the browser

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Do you have any links how to do that in hass automation or nodered?

So i need to use google firebase? External service for that?

Is this the correct tutorial?
Did i read it correctly,i just skip the firebase?

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