Multiple input not working in blueprint

Hi, I want an input that takes multiple schedules. What I’ve done to achieve that is this:

  name: Room Heating
  description: Turn room heating on/off
  domain: automation
      name: Schedule
          - domain: schedule
          multiple: true

But when I do this I get no selector in the UI at all, just an empty space where the dropdown should be. If I remove the multiple: true then the dropdown reappears. Any advice would be much appreciated.

That means that the syntax is wrong…

Anyway, here is the HA Docs page for selectors. It might be considered ‘required reading’ when creating blueprints.

I have, of course, read the docs page. Multiple times. And an incorrect syntax means the blueprint doesn’t even load, it throws an error. Besides, if I set multiple to the default of false then the dropdown shows. It is merely the change from false to true that causes the dropdown to disappear.

What list items are available for the filter key?

perhaps try:

  name: Room Heating
  description: Turn room heating on/off
  domain: automation
      name: Schedule
          domain: schedule
          multiple: true

I have not used schedule, but it is likely an entity domain and should work.

Yup, did that first to no avail. Same happens if I try multiple on the trv domain too.

Works for me every time.
I have published about 20 blueprints

I wonder if it’s something else in the blueprint. I’ll try creating a clone bit by bit

don’t have any schedules, but it works with the correct syntax… as I pasted it.

You mess up the select syntax and it removes all your options, seen it a dozen times…

      name: Schedule
          domain: schedule
          multiple: true
      name: Toggle to turn the fan function off for when away or seasonally
      description: '(#1) ```input_boolean``` - If this is set to off, the Automation
        will be disabled.

Right, I think the problem comes from having existing automations that were created when the blueprint didn’t specify multiple: true. I’ve got a complete clone of the blueprint and can happily create an automation from it selecting multiple schedules

Correction. The problem is with editing an automation that was created when the blueprint didn’t specify multiple: true

Yup, that was it. All fixed