Multiple Insteon Hubs on 1 HA instance?

Hi HA peeps,

Does anyone know a workaround solution to get HA to allow multiple Insteon hubs on one HA instance? I’m trying to find a solution to get a proper distributed setup for multiple buildings and get away from all these repeaters and unreliability.

I’m also struggling to find why I cannot delete Insteon devices from HA. Searching web I’ve found this to be a challenge for many resulting in needing to do it manually by editing core.device_registry + core.entity_registry. Tried many times without success. Upon HA restart there still in GUI and reviewing files the device was automatically re-added. Even for a fake X10 device that was never actually associated with hub. And also if I delete entire Insteon integration all devices reappear.

Have bit more details here of what I’ve tried to delete devices.
