Multiple integrations of an integration

Is there a way to run more than 1 inegration of the same integration ?

yes there is

Some integrations support multiple instances - see withings

Some don’t.

You can theoretically make a copy, rename the right stuff and make a ‘custom’ copy of an integration but it LS a lot of work and you may not need to.

In your case I’d ask WHICH integration. - what are you ACTUALLY trying to do.

Duotecno is the name

How then ?

I have 3 smartboxed of duotecno and only one is supported. I am looking for a way to have them all 3

I am unfamiliar with this integration.

Have you tried to add another device after configuring the 1st by just using another IP address?

yea, I get the notification that it’s only possible to have 1 running…

If I look at the integration code, I can see it mentions VelBus :thinking:

But that is all I can find maybe @Cereal2nd knows more ??
Looks like he works on both Duetecno and Velbus :stuck_out_tongue:

this is on the todo list, but at this moment only one is possible

Is this something coming in a month, in 6 month’s, a year ?
It is because I have 3 smartboxes, and only one I can use :slight_smile: If it is in a year, I will return it to sender :slight_smile:

Hi Jo,

There is no timeline.


If I do decide to return them.

Please reach out to Cereal and I, I’m sure we can arrange a good price on some #Velbus alternative modules