Multiple mcp23s17 using one SPI-CS line

Im trying to set up multiple mcp23s17 using a single CS line on a D1-mini

The configuration for a single mcp23s17 works as expected

  clk_pin: GPIO14 
  mosi_pin: GPIO13
    number: GPIO12
      input: true
      pullup: true

  - id: 'mcp23s17_H1'
    deviceaddress: 0
    cs_pin: GPIO15

but how do I add a second device?

  - id: 'mcp23s17_H1'
    deviceaddress: 0
    cs_pin: GPIO15
  - id: 'mcp23s17_H2'
    deviceaddress: 1
    cs_pin: GPIO15

fails with validation complaining about reuse of the CS-line

  Pin 15 is used in multiple places.
  - id: mcp23s17_H2
    deviceaddress: 1

on the other hand I found a closed github issue More than 10 mcp23s17 causes boot loop · Issue #3437 · esphome/issues · GitHub where setting up multiple mcp23s17 worked.

I don’t want to resort to using multiple CS-line if possible.

poking around on github I found the reason why the example I linked to above does no longer work.
Since end of last year pin usage is checked for duplicates.

Therefore to set up multiple mcp23s17 sharing a CS-line allow_other_uses needs to be used to suppress this check.

  - id: mcp23s17_H1
    deviceaddress: 0
      number: GPIO15
      allow_other_uses: true
  - id: mcp23s17_H2
    deviceaddress: 1
      number: GPIO15
      allow_other_uses: true
  - ...

don’t get confused: the allow_other_uses: true line gets marked as error as long as there is only one occurence of the related pin

What needs to be done / who needs to be contacted to get the above information into the mcp23s17 component documentation?