In my setup, I have radiator thermostat readings that are received by HA through MQTT messages. These include temperature, valve position, desired temperature, battery state and a few more. With many thermostats this becomes a bit of a mess.
I therefore wonder whether there is a way to ‘re-assemble’ the messages belonging to a thermostat into something that looks like a single sensor with multiple readings.
I checked the docs but I am a new HA user and it may be that there is an obvious solution but that I did not look in the right place.
Thanks for the hint. I am not sure that this is what I need. I don’t want any extra functions, I just would like to have the sensor values “collected” in a device (is that the proper name?). Or is it rather a sensor with multiple entities? Not sure about the terminology here.
The values for the different entities are sent as different MQTT topics, not bundled in a single JSON data structure.
An example configuration would help me to understand what I need to do.
I looked into it, but there are fields missing. For example the valve position, the battery status etc.
For the moment I just bundled these infos in groups (one per thermostat). So at least visually these informations are bundled in the right way.