Multiple Problem with HA

Hi , Need some help please ?

I am having a couple of issues with HA that started a few days ago. Basically I was updating my lovelace dashboards and trying to install themes which never worked for me. So I backed those out and deleted the files that had been installed etc . ( which i have done a few times before when I’ve tried various integrations or add-ons ) But this time shortly afterwards I have issue with the standard screens and the fonts / text.

I have attached two screenshots I took to explain… The one shows the word Home Assistant in a weird text/font and the titles on the configuration page are greyed out, so much in places its hard to see them. Its the same on the mobile app

Also I am getting a lot of notiations of location changes when I haven’t moved location, which I never got before … kinda thinking tee two are not related … but also very strange.

HA Overview screen 1

Does anyone have any ideas how to fix please?

I was going to roll back to a previous snapshot but as I have made quite a number of changes to various dashboards, entities and integrations that I don’t want to lose I can’t do that ( yes I know should have took snapshots at more frequent times…opps !)

All help is appreciated . thank you … Regards Andy

Go into your profile, (the circle icon at the bottom of the left hand menu) and set the Theme to default.

And clear your browser cache.

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Hi, thank you for the feedback. I had tried this and noticed that Themes is greyed out with the wording saying Backend-Selected. I’ve attached a screen shot.

I also noticed there is no mention of themes in configuation.yaml , nor is there a themes folder or any include in the confiuration.yaml.
HA Profile capture

So should I include something in Configuation.yaml and if so what ?

Not sure how to revert it back to defaults

