Anyone know how I can use multiple secret.yamls files, else I may have to use the enriomental variables.
Reason, I manage 8 (and growing) Home assistant instances and they all share the same data in the secrets files, apart from one line for the homepage title. Updating each file one at a time is less than ideal. If I could split into its own file which would stay with that instance, then could bulk update all the secret files in one go.
Thanks for the info, unfortunately that isn’t going to work for me. All I really want is a ‘include’ or “include” statement.
Failing that is there some way to set variables via a external file.
I only want to set the home assistant ‘name’.
I wonder if it supports templating, then I could use a sensors to import the value from external file and then set it either at boot or by reloading the customisation.