Multiple servers, 3 finger swipe in mobile app works. How to do the same in web browser?

Multiple servers, 3 finger swipe in mobile app works. How to do the same in web browser?

I’ve been looking through menus for about 30 minutes and haven’t come up with anything.

Thank you

Not possible in web browser.

You need to use different tabs and switch between the tabs.

So I can’t use

Will I have to manually type the IP in?

Thanks for the quick response

http://homeassistant.local:8123 will work for the server that uses it. The other 2 will be different.

I don’t quite understand.

What would be different? The port?
How would I go about finding their addresses?

you stated you have 3 Homeassistant servers all running at the same time (most people only have 1).

Each one needs its own ip address.

…are you sure you have 3 in your house or are the other two remote?

The easiest way is to access each installation with its IP adress + standard port.

You should be able find the IP adresses in your routers device overview. or alternatively some network scanning tool

No, I’ve only got two. I’m just setting one up and it’s handy to refer to my original set up and I figured there would be an easy way. But apparently it’s only on the mobile app. I’ll be able to find the IP easy enough.

They should look like this, right?

Will I have to mess around clearing browser caches?


sorry - I was thinking 3 servers when I read ‘3 fingers’

Yes, they should both look like that.

However, if you are running HOAS for both, be aware they may both be trying to use http://homeassistant.local:8123 if they are on the same network which may/will cause problems. I don’t run HAOS myself (I run Container in docker) but I imagine there may be a way to change the new one you are setting up to something different like ha2.local:8123

[edited for clarity and typos]

[edit 2] out of curiosity, why do you want to run 2 of them at the same location (is one a test server)?

Ones running on a proxmox server and the other is a cm4 with HAOS. Probably not worth the effort as it’ll be installed on a different network pretty soon.

Thanks for the help