Multiple Triggers and Actions for the Aqara Mini Switch

The Mini Switch from Aqara lets you use many different triggers for different presses. With this blueprint the setup is easy!
Add as many actions you like to the separate triggers and enjoy.

- Single press
- Double press
- Triple press
- Quadruple press
- Many presses (more than five)
- Hold
- Release

- 1.1 - Description corrections
- 1.0 - Initial Release

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Edit: I am using the mqtt domain since I use Zigbee2MQTT, but I am not sure how to make the code so that you can use this with just Zigbee/ZHA also.

First, you will need to add it to a Github repository.

Does it need to be a repository or is gists enough? I don’t know too much about this.

AFAIK it needs to be a repo

I have made a repository now. Do you know how to make it a “Add to Home Assistant” button?

Create a link – My Home Assistant I think

Thanks! Hope it works :slight_smile: