I have two systems running APCUPSd, one on the same machine as HA and one on another machine. I can use the following config to get status for one UPS, but I can’t figure out how to get status for the 2nd one.
Bumping this one again, as i would really like to know if anyone figured out how to monitor multiple APC UPS. NUT looks like a possiblity, but I do not see how you would configure multiple entries there.
Unlike apcupsd, nut is setup as a component, not a platform so multiple sensors is easy. Just add a defintion for each nut server/ups you want to monitor. See below for an example that would go in your sensors.yaml that you would then include in the main configuation.yaml.
has anyone considered turning the multimon.cgi web UI or whatever… ( I havent set it up yet) into a iframe_panel?
I got i to work… but no way to automate from the information. in my head i figure all this info is floating around my network… just a matter of capturing it and making a sensor.
Just discovered apcupsd and, like everyone else here, I’d love to get the data from more than one UPS into HA. Looks like someone will have to take the apcupsd “platform” and convert it to a “component” to do this well?