Multiple Venstar T7900 Thermostats

I’m about to install 2 Venstar T7900 thermostats. I noticed that the venstar climate component does not accept “name”. How would I go about setting a logical (friendly) name such as ‘Bedroom’ or ‘Living Room’ to the 2 units. I’m relatively new to HA.

Seems all the venstar component will accept is: (using direct API)

  • platform: venstar

  • platform: venstar

What would I place in customize.yaml (or elsewhere) to assign a friendly name?

Thanks in advance!

Turns out it’s simpler than i expected - you must activate the thermostats FIRST and set the name via the thermostat’s setting menu. Restart HA. Voila - now HA sees the names. There appears to be no way to preset the name prior.