I’m having some trouble with using WOL switches and wondering if I am doing something wrong.
I have two devices which I have setup WOL switches for, they both turn on and I do not wish to automate shutdown at present. The problem I am having is the log indicates both devices are switched off when one goes down… or both are switched on when one is switched on…
When I turn one of the devices on I get an event for both despite the fact one is already on, then when I turn off one of the devices I get logs saying both were turned off but again one is still turned on.
that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for to sleep/wake my synology disk station! cool, that for this pointer!
would you have any thought on how to invoke the sleep/powerdown for a synology disktation? Cant really find in in the docs, and the helpdeks replied it doesn’t support support question on the shell…
Lol. Sure, that part is easy up to logging in with the right credentials. Getting the right command is the tricky part. and, for me at least, well hidden so far…