Multiple Z-wave dual relay switch Not detect

i have multiple Z-wave relay switch around 30 some of them not showing there name

its show ready but some switch but cant see in listing ,please help me whats reason

I changed mine manually in the file in your .homeassistant directory, I’m using a Z-Wave Plus Aeotec Z-Stick and I couldn’t get mine to name properly until I altered the zwcfg xml file in this directory where your configuration.yaml is, found each in this file and changed the names <Node id=“3” name=“Hall Light” …
Believe you can now alter in HA but haven’t got around to that in the interface.

thanks for quick reply but i have another problem when i look at my zwcf.xml where what i found about some nodes

i can t see its switch type and no other information,i test all switch on openhab2 its all working ok,
i thing HA not work ok with multiple z-wave mesh network where multiple nodes comes to gather dont know just guess but has some problem in HA,any expert may help ,
looking for some one who can answer this whats wrong and where ?

Did you just pair these devices or have you had them running correctly before? Whenever I’ve included a new zwave device, they always show up as you’ve described. The proper names do not populate until I’ve restarted HA.

yes all these paird ok ,before that i have also this doubt but then i install openhab2 and test there it work ok.
but in HA i m getting problem.
if you need openhab then i can provide here.
but something is wrong