Multiple Zigbee errors - no hardware/ software change

Yes good advice. I check conbee firmware updates regularly but there was no new update in 2 years now.

On the other hand, changing my ZigBee channel is a option but not logical because it worked before and is working right now as supposed since the latest HA core updates.

Yes whoops,

I’m on ZHA.
I know about the WiFi and ZigBee conflicts including all the other stuff you mentioned.

I had the same hundreds of Zigbee warning messages in my HA log throughout December. I just updated to HA core 2024.1.2 and the messages haven’t appeared since. :crossed_fingers:


This seems to have been fixed by 2024.1.1

I see most of my error are gone now with the last update in 2024.1.2.

Even with 2024.1.1, I was having random reboots of ZHA.

I got exactly same errors since 2023.11 upgrade, with ZHA & Conbee2.
I just upgraded to 2024.1.2 and I confirm theses warning are left. Hope the network will also stay stable without lags.

You also need to understand that the radio chip used inside the ConBee II adapter is quite outdated and the firmware is relatively old as have not been getting any major updates for years, so you might want to consider replacing it with a newer more modern Zigbee Coordinator adapter. Suggest you check out this community guide → Zigbee buyer's guide


  • If using ZHA integration buy/use a new Texas Instruments or Silicon Labs based USB adapter.
  • If use the Zigbee2MQTT software buy/use a new Texas Instruments based USB adapter.
  • If use deCONZ/Phoscon software buy/use the new ConBee III (ConBee 3) USB adapter.
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Love your post, thank you!