Multiple zwave cfg files with AIO

Running HA .31.1 on a pi, built with the AIO installer.

I recently updated my config to enable security for some new zwave devices. Today, when they showed up, I stopped HA, then started OZWCP and added them.

I see now, that I have two different config files.
find -name zwcfg_0xd22ee95f.xml

HA is using the config file in the home directory for hass, but OZWCP is updating the file in /srv/hass/src/open-zwave-control-panel/zwcfg_0xd22ee95f.xml.

Should I stop HA, and then create a symlink so that OZWCP uses the file in hass’ home directory?

Yes, that is what I have done.

What’s weird is that I never did this and went with the standard AIO install from back in May, but somehow when I went looking around during all of this I found that mine was already symlinked! I never created any symlinks and would have to actually look up the syntax so I’m not sure there is any explanation for this other than that it was part of the install script.

Hmmmm. I don’t remember when I rebuilt my system and used AIO. It has been a while. I already had all of my devices configured until today, when I added 6 Aeotec smart switches. So this was the first time I fired up ozwcp on this build.