Multiprocol matter integration with Zigbee2MQTT

I was wondering if I could enable matter while using the zigbee2mqtt addons. I am currently running the later for the zigbee integration, and I am not so keen on moving everything over to ZHA.

I found out tonight that the addon " Silicon Labs Multiprotocol" required to enable multiprotocal requires access to the zigbee port /dev/ttyAMA1. However, the zigbee2mqtt addons also requires access to that port. This tends to led me to the conclusion one cannot leverage the multiprotocol addons to use matter and zigbee2MQTT on the same chips.

Did anyone else reach the same conclusion?

This should work with the Zigbee2MQTT add-on and flashed multiprotocol firmware


Thanks Francis.
This was the piece, I was missing.


can you confirm that i only have to flash the muntiprotokoll firmware, enable the multiprotokoll setting under hardware and change the serial settings with the settings above? at the moment i have this settings, under mqtt all empty

do i have to install the silicon labb addon?

best regards


Yes, you do.

thanks, and fpr the rest i have to change settings like your picture above in the serial settings?


indeed. :slight_smile:

Hello, is it okay to run zigbee2mqtt (with ezsp) with Silicon Labs Multiprotocol and a Sonoff Zigbee E Dongle? I want to have Zigbee and Thread.

But in z2mqtt I always get this error:

[2025-01-15 14:16:33] error: zh:ezsp:ezsp: Command (setValue(EzspValueId.VALUE_CCA_THRESHOLD, 0)) returned unexpected state: {“cls”:“setValue”,“id”:171,“isRequest”:false,“status”:55}

And I guess this is because of the experimental setup with a unsupported dongle firmware and Silicon Labs Multiprotocol addon.

So do you guys say my setup is good or should I use one dongle for Zigbee and one for thread. z2mqtt developer suggest to have two dongles (“Multiprotocol firmware is not supported. The recommended alternative to establish multiple networks is to use one adapter per protocol.”). But what do you say?