Multiscrape GET endpoint examples

Hi All,

I’m relatively new to multiscrape, so have been searching for examples to build off. I’ve been able to scrape data from simple sites, however I need some data from a marine weather website.

The basic HTML scraping isn’t working (the log_output shows that the HTML returned obfuscates the actual data I want) is only going to be available via calling their endpoint: GET

I’m at a loss as to where to begin though - without a huge number of examples of GET/POST methods within the community forums (or at least ones that I understand) I thought I’d try here.

My main questions are:

  1. What is the format required to call a GET endpoint like this - see headers below
  2. Do I need to split this into two parts - one to get a cookie, and one to call the endpoint with said cookie, or does this all happen within multi-scrape? (note, no login is required)

Headers/Endpoint info:

The JSON in the response that I’m trying to retrieve is indicated by the * at the start of each line below. I’m relatively confident there’s enough information out there to do this part of the config myself, so really just putting this here for context.

    "forecastAtTimes": [
            "location": [
                    "id": "Abel",
                     ...more data...
            "at": 0.0,
            "from": 202202031246.0,
            "to": 202202050000.0
        ... more locations...
            "location": [
                    "id": "Auckland",
                    "area": null,
                    "warning": null,
                    "forecast": null,
                    "outlook": null,
                    "swell": null,
*                   "situation": "A couple of slow-moving, moisture-lade....",
                    "tideHighData": null,
                    "tideLowData": null
            "at": 202202031108.0,
            "from": 0.0,
            "to": 0.0
            "location": [
                    "id": "Auckland",
                    "area": "Manukau and Waitemata Harbours, Hauraki Gulf and Bream Head to Cape Colville.",
                    "warning": "Nil",
*                   "forecast": "For Manukau Harbour: Thursday: S...",
                    "outlook": "See above",
                    "swell": "See above",
                    "situation": null,
                    "tideHighData": null,
                    "tideLowData": null
            "at": 0.0,
            "from": 202202031108.0,
            "to": 202202050000.0

Thanks in advance