Multiscrape help finding the login form

Hi everyone!

I’ve read many post regarding login using webscrape to scrape data from specific websites. Unfortunately I am not able to submit the correct form from the website.

Here’s my non working configuration:

  - name: Curb Energy Client
    resource: ''
    log_response: true
    scan_interval: 1
      submit_once: true
      resource: ''
      select: ".auth0-lock-container-1 > div > div.auth0-lock-center > form"
        email: !secret curb_user
        password: !secret curb_pass

The error I get is: Curb Energy Client # Exception in form-submit feature. Will continue trying to scrape target page. Could not find form

I don’t know how to share the inspected website information, forgive me if my screenshots are not the correct way of doing things (I’ve tried copying the information but it would not stay in the right format/indentation

Thank you

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