Multiscrape help request

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, so apologies if there is a more suitable section. I posted this in this forum, but perhaps it wasn’t the best place:

I’m using the Multiscrape HACS integration to scrape bin collection dates. This was quite easy, as my address is represented by a unique ID which forms part of the URL, so so I didn’t need to use forms.

I’m trying to do the same at my parents’ house, but they live in a different council area, so the website is different, too. I need to input the Post Code and hit a “Find address” button, which then brings up a drop-down selection box from which I need to select the address… The page then reloads and shows the collection dates. There seem to be two submissions.

Would someone be able to help me check if scraping will even be possible?

Start page:

Post Code: ‘N2 9ED’ - note: this is not my parents’ post code, but random post code in Barnet. All post codes and available on Google Maps anyway.

Any help is very much appreciated!!