Multiscrape - please help with scraping Bayrol site

Having a look at Num.js and NumStrings.js looks promising.
I am currently only stuck on using the right, lets call it namespace.
4 = nums seems to be normal measurements (as in topic d02/xxx-xxx/v/4.)

Some identified codes


Hi, thank you so much for the work!
I was just trying ton understand this code.

Have you already wrote the nodered functions?
And can you share it, please?

It would permit me to add it in domoticz.

Hi, I do not use Nodered, just the Python script then sort the data based on the table after reception by Mosquitto in Jeedom.
If someone can integrate it in Nodered it could be used by any platform.

So it wasn’t so hard after all.
Got the redox in Domoticz now

I use the switch fonction in nodered.

var msg1 = {};

switch (msg.payload.t) {

    case "4.82": //redox
    msg1.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":4437,"nvalue":0,"svalue":((msg.payload.v).toString())};

    case "4.182": //ph
        msg1.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":4440,"nvalue":0,"svalue":((msg.payload.v)/10.toString())};      
    case "4.100": //sel
    msg1.payload = {"command":"udevice","idx":4441,"nvalue":0,"svalue":(((msg.payload.v)/10).toString())};

To send new parameters, I just have to add case to the function.

It works fine with the redox but as i didn’t receive the ph or any other usefull information, i can’t send it to domoticz…
What are you using as subject and server?
I use
d02/“serial number”/v/#

/v is not mandatory. If you remove it you will see /g and /s messages.
/g with empty payload is used to send a request to the Automatic Salt. AS answer with the last known value plus time stamp in a /v message.
/s to modify an AS parameter


Ich habe auch eine Bayrol Automatic Cl/pH Dosiesanlage und möchte diese gerne in mein HA integrieren.
Kann ich deine NodeRed-Integration dafür nutzen?

Bisher habe ich noch keine Erfahrungen mit NodeRed gemacht und würde mich dann einmal dazu einlesen.

Thanks for this information, very helpful!

What is the password?

Any password is ok.

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Where in HA can I subscribe to it?

I successfully connected MQTT Explorer to

you’ll have to configure mqtt integration and create entities. I did that with a mqtt.yaml

- state_topic: "homeassistant/pool/bayrolAS5/salt"
  name: "Bayrol AS5 Taux de sel"
  unique_id: bayrolas5_salt
  value_template: "{{ value_json.v | round(2)}}"
  unit_of_measurement: "g/l"
    name: "bayrolas5"
    identifiers: "Your AS5 ID"

for each entity you need

Excellent !!! thanks a lot, didn’t have time to complete this

Can you show your config in Node Red and how you configure mqtt integration? I have connected nodes for mqtt in and mqtt out in Node Red, but my sensors that I created in YAML file are unknown or the values are wrong and they do not update. I am absolutely new with node red and mqtt and I don’t know what I do wrong.

Something incoming, stay tuned

Can you please help me how to go further from that point?

I don’t know what to do next.

Here it is !
thanks to @Duntch144 for the code list (i’ve fixed some of them)
It’s a Home Assistant solution, but could be usable on other systems.

(Bayrol just updated their application yesterday, due to OpenDNS closing in France and Portugal, Automatic SALT | Bayrol )

You have to subscripe to the topic. In mqtt Explorer - advanced. There you Can Post the topic to see the different values

Thanks for your awesome work.

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