Multiscrape select help needed :)

Can anybody please help me what to enter at select (or select_list) to grap the 0,35667 price?

I’m not that experienced yet in CSS and have been trying for hours now…
Many thanks in advance!

Right click on the HTML element. There should be a copy option. In the submenu you should be able to copy the selector. Paste that into your config as select: ....

Thanks for the quick reply!

In the screenshot you can see that it is div.
So, is this is it?

      - unique_id: greenchoice_stroom_normaaltarief
        name: Stroom normaaltarief
        select: "Normaaltarief (per kWh) > div"
        value_template: '{{ (value.split(":")[1]) }}'

It doesn’t look right. Did you follow the steps I gave?

When I right click the price in Chrome, I don’t have a copy option. So, that’s why I choose for the source (on the right side of the screen shot). I’m not sure what part to copy and paste in for the select.


Edit: I think I got you now, I had to copy it from the right side :slight_smile:

select: "#stroomContract-tarieven-loaded > div.collapser__block.collapser__block--active > div.collapser__header > p.title.title-size-xs > span.title__value > div"


I am also trying to use multiscraper to get some data from a webpage in home assistant.
I have follow the “right click and copy the css path” for the first data and it worked fine! Thank you for that.
But now i try to select a second data but it is not working, it seems that the data is not selectable, i tried few different way but not beeing succesful.
Any one can help?
the page i am scraping on is a meteo station near my home:

the data i want is highlighted on the right

I know the station also have api to get data but as there is no information on how to use it i try to use scraping first.

Thank you for any help :slight_smile: