Mushroom card icons not showing on mobile view?

Some mushroom cards, entity card, vacuum card, not showing mdi icons on mobile, but they do show on desktop.

Anybody know why? is there a way to fix this? If I can’t fix it, I’m gonna have to ditch the whole mushroom card thing, this is a bummer because it looks so much better than the default UI.

Did Dimitri’s answer fix your issue on your cross post?

I can confirn there’s something wrong with mushroom cards on 2023.2.

I even tried to clean reinstall the hass android app, no luck.
You can see on my screenshot that the only visible icon is the one i manually specified. The others (entity icons) are not showing up.

You need to clear your browser and app cache. This was a known issue that has been addressed in Mushroom 3.4.2.

I assume you mean Core 2024.2.2 not 2023.2

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Yes, clearing the cache does fix the issue in a desktop browser.

But as i said, i tried clearing the app cache, and i even tried removing / reinstalling the app, but no luck on android…

Try clearing cache of Chrome, or any other browser engine you use on Android.


Ah, that might have been it indeed, thanks for the suggestion!

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this hasn’t worked for me on any device :frowning:

Brand new phone so no cache, same result. If i stop and restart hass, the icons sometimes show properly.

S still a bug.

I have the same problem. It first appeared a few months ago and it is still present.
If I close the app, clear the browsers cache and restart the app it works OK for two, maybe three times and then the icons disappear again.
I have the latest versions of Home Assistant (2024.4.3), Mushroom Cards (3.5.4) and Android Companion App (2024.4.1)
I have this problem on both android phones that are connecting to my HA server.

[EDIT] I managed to solve the problem by following these steps:

  • uninstall the Mushroom integration from HA
  • clear cache of mobile phones browsers
  • restart HA
  • reinstall the Mushroom Integration
    It’s been 4 days without issues.

Cache clear (Firefox Android) solved the issue for me, thank you!

I have the same issue. I am using the chip icons to navigate between screens and works fine on a desktop but the companion app does not switch screens

What version of Mushroom do you have installed?

sorry missed the notification. I made the error or using entire URL links for chip icons which is why they weren’t working on the mobile app. Now edited them and its fixed