I recently bought two Modern Forms fans, and just setup mushroom cards! I’m still fairly new to home assistant in general and learning my way around customizing cards. I’ve spent most of the last couple days trying to fine tune the fan control - the fans have a light that can be dimmed, fan speed, and a direction setting so they can spin either direction - but the mushroom fan cards dont appear to support fans that have these features, so I’ve had to make separate cards.
Is there a way to re-map the occilate button? I’d love for that to change the direction of the fan instead. And being able to change the spin direction of the icon if the direction is ‘reverse’ would be super awesome.
I also have a couple fans (like an attic fan) that’s controlled with an insteon dimmer outlet, and I’m trying to figure out how to get that card (right now its a mushroom entity card) to animate the fan icon when its on. I’ve followed a few of the examples I’ve found in that huge mushroom card thread, but I haven’t had any luck. Has anyone else tried stuff like this yet?