Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

Hey is there any way I can change the text alignment for the title card?

can anyone help me out?

How can you set 2 cards in a one card panel ? The purpose of the panel view (1 card) is to have only one card.

Is there a way to use the custom light card (with colors and temp) on a group of lights? Manually changing the entity to “group.” kind of works, but it removes the color/temp controls.

Use light groups.

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Thanks, but also not really (unless I’m missing something). I have multiple light groups setup that way. The actual grouping works great.

The issue is when adding a Custom Mushroom Light Card. By default it only displays light. entities, no group entities. I can force a group entity which mostly works great, it just hides the color/temperature options.

It’s not an issue. Groups don’t support color/temperature option. You must use light group for this. Mushroom uses attributes to determine which feature is supported. Group doesn’t have light mode attributes.

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Thank you! can you helpp with multiple if statements. example iff entity heat “red” if cool “blue” else if “grey”?

is there a way to create a chip card without icon?
if I use a blank icon the white space is still there.

I’m looking for the same option.

To take it a step further, I’m also looking for examples of changing the chip’s icon color based on state or range of numerical value.

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Thank you for this fantastic collection of cards!

I have a question about the Template card:
The left card is a template card, the right one is a entity card. Both entities are turned off.

Is there a way to gray out the white icon, like the entity card does?

Hoping for a little help, I cannot change the icon colour with a mushroom card entity :frowning:

Green for Locked, else Red

square: false
columns: 2
type: grid

  • type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: lock.front_door
    layout: vertical
    action: toggle
    icon_color: ‘{{ is_state(“lock.front_door”, “locked”) | iif(“green”, “red”) }}’

Thanks, I was thinking it was a limitation on groups. I got around it with some conditionals. The groups show when devices are off, and the individual lights (and colors) show when on. It’s not exactly what I was going for from functionality, but the display looks great. Thanks for the amazing project!

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But I can change the color/temperature of a group in the detail popup. Why/how does that work then?

how are you managing to get the slider for entities other than lights? I would love to do this!


hey everyone,
when will the cards be released?

Some cards are on the todo list :

  • :thermometer: Climate card
  • :tv: Media card
  • :broom: Vacuum card

Use a template chip, then you can set whatever icon and/or color you want.

Do you have an example of how that would look in chip form with the YAML?

I use template cards for some other things, but haven’t figured out how to make it look like a nice small chip.

Sure. This is a mushroom template card for my garage door. I t displays a green closed icon, a red open icon and a yellow alert icon if it’s in between.

  - type: template
      action: none
    entity: cover
    icon: |
      {% set state=states('cover.garage_door') %}
      {% if state=='closed' %}
      {% elif state=='open' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
    icon_color: |-
      {% set state=states('cover.garage_door') %}
      {% if state=='closed' %}
      {% elif state=='open' %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
    content: Garage
      action: toggle
      action: none

Great Work. Thank you for sharing.
Is there any way to change the slider and icon color on the light card from ‘orange’ to something else (regular dimmable light, none RGB)? Perhaps I missed something simple. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.
