Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 1)

Try to put this part in the template section to see how it evaluates in your system.

And you can have this DRY

mdi:television{{ '-off' if is_state('media_player.sony_bravia_tv','off') }}

with the template card this is working but not with an entity cards

That is correct, as the only mushroom card (that Iā€™m aware of) where you can use templates (jinja-code) is the template-card

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I have a pop-up with a mushroom card with a couple of entities, like so:

- type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
          entity: switch.game_pc
            action: toggle

The problem is that those entities are PCā€™s, so when clicked they donā€™t turn on immediately.
Is it possible to, when clicked, show a loader until itā€™s on (or off)?

I have a SVG already located at: /local/loader.svg.

Hey all,

I know it has been written somewhere, but I canā€™t find it anymore :frowning:
Currently I have the issue with the ā€œbordersā€ appearing.

At the moment, I am using the built in default theme and then select via the UI whether I want it to be Auto, Light or Dark. How can I remove these borders easiest and do I have to do in multiple places as I am using both Web, Android and iOS devices?


Thanks :slight_smile:

Try the Mushroom Shadow theme.

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Iā€™ve done a search on this topic, and I was looking for a way to implement Entities Card Configuration - header toggle for the group? Is this possible?

Literally search this topic for ā€œbordersā€

What does that even mean?

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I just repeat the mushroom light card with different options enabled/disabled. (Using lovelace_gen to pass in the light entity-id, and a self-defined type:

# lovelace_gen
title: "{{ name }}"
{% if state == 'off' %}
right_button: "Aan"
  service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
{% else %}
right_button: "Uit"
  service: light.turn_off
    entity_id: "{{ entity }}"
{% endif %}
dismissable: true
size: normal
style: |
  --popup-min-width: 360px;
  --popup-max-width: 540px;
  --popup-border-width: var(--ha-card-border-width, 2px);
  --popup-border-color: var(--ha-card-border-color, var(--divider-color, #eee));
  --popup-border-radius: 28px;
  --popup-background-color: var(--primary-background-color);
  --popup-padding-x: 0px;
  --popup-padding-y: 0px;
    ha-dialog$: |
      div.mdc-dialog div.mdc-dialog__scrim {
        {{ "{%" }} set r = state_attr('{{ entity }}', 'rgb_color')[0] {{ "%}" }}
        {{ "{%" }} set g = state_attr('{{ entity }}', 'rgb_color')[1] {{ "%}" }}
        {{ "{%" }} set b = state_attr('{{ entity }}', 'rgb_color')[2] {{ "%}" }}
        background: rgba({{ "{{" }}r{{ "}}" }}, {{ "{{" }}g{{ "}}" }}, {{ "{{" }}b{{ "}}" }},0.8);
  type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
    class: invisible
    - entity: "{{ entity }}"
      type: custom:light-entity-card
      shorten_cards: false
      consolidate_entities: true
      child_card: true
      hide_header: true
      color_wheel: true
      persist_features: true
      brightness: false
      color_temp: false
      white_value: false
      color_picker: true
      smooth_color_wheel: true
      speed: false
      intensity: false
      force_features: false
      effects_list: false
        class: invisible
    #   style: |
    #     ha-card {
    #       padding: -15px;
    #       background: rgba(var(--rgb-primary-background-color), 0.1);
    #       }
{% if type != 'onoff' %}
    - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
      entity: "{{ entity }}"
      fill_container: true
      layout: horizontal
      primary_info: none
      secondary_info: none
      icon_type: icon
      icon: hue:scene-bright
      show_brightness_control: true
      use_light_color: true
      show_color_temp_control: false
      collapsible_controls: false
        class: invisible
{% if type != 'dimmable' %}
{% if type != 'rgb' %}
    - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
      entity: "{{ entity }}"
      fill_container: true
      layout: horizontal
      primary_info: none
      secondary_info: none
      icon_type: icon
      icon: mdi:theme-light-dark
      show_brightness_control: false
      use_light_color: true
      show_color_temp_control: true
      collapsible_controls: false
        class: invisible
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

If you leave out the lovelace_gen logic and just repeat the card, the slider will not be visible if the light doesnā€™t support it. (allthough the icon might still show).

EDIT: took some inspiration from yours and colored outside of the popup with the rgb color of the light, screenshots donā€™t show it. 2 layers of jinja because of lovelace_gen & card_mod :slight_smile:


quote from from FB-post by Andrew Doenau:
ā€œSwipe-card just allows you to swipe across between cards, it doesnā€™t make the chip-card (or any other card) any wider than it already is. So perhaps just break your chips in to two separate chip-cards within the swipe-card and you can swipe between them.ā€

Is there a way to have a row of mushroom-chips-cards within a swipe-card - and keep it on ā€œone lineā€ ?

I have quite a few status-chips Iā€™d like to have on one line, with the most important ones to the left and less and less important to the right (some conditional, so variable number of chips showing)
when putting the chips-card-cards within the swipe-card it drops to two lines whenever there are more than suitable for ā€œone screen-widthā€.

Anyone with a workaround or config-examples that works??

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Awesome work thank you for sharing.
Could you please explain how you managed to stick the chips to the bottom of the screen? I only managed it at the top.

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I use a panel view, with a vertical stack, landscape gets the top chips card sticky and a grid layout card beneath. Portrait also has a footer chips card below that:


# lovelace_gen
{% for view in _global.views %}
{% if != 'main' %}
- type: panel
  path: {{ }}
  subview: true
    - type: custom:mod-card
        class: invisible
        style: |
          ha-card {
            border-radius: 0px !important;
            border-width: 0px !important;
            {{ "{%" }} if state_attr( "", "entity_picture" ) != none {{ "%}" }}
            background: center / cover no-repeat fixed url( '{{ "{{" }} state_attr( "", "entity_picture" ) {{ "}}" }}' );
            {{ "{%" }} endif {{ "%}" }}
        type: custom:state-switch
        entity: mediaquery
          '(orientation: landscape)':
            type: vertical-stack
              - !include
                - .cards/sticky.yaml
                - view: {{ }}
                  position: both
              - type: custom:layout-card
                layout_type: custom:grid-layout
                layout: !include .cards/layout.yaml
                cards: !include .cards/{{ }}.yaml
          '(orientation: portrait)':
            type: vertical-stack
              - !include
                - .cards/sticky.yaml
                - view: {{ }}
                  position: header
              - type: custom:layout-card
                layout_type: custom:grid-layout
                layout: !include .cards/layout.yaml
                cards: !include .cards/{{ }}.yaml
              - !include
                - .cards/sticky.yaml
                - view: {{ }}
                  position: footer
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

grid layout layout.yaml:

height: calc(100vh - 58px)
margin: -58px 0 0 0 !important
padding: 62px 0 0 0 !important
reflow: true
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(180px, 1fr))
grid-gap: 0
grid-template-rows: masonry
grid-auto-flow: dense
place-content: start center
place-items: start stretch

sticky.yaml (header/footer/combined chip card definition):

# lovelace_gen
type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
alignment: justify
  class: sticky
  style: |  
    :host {
      z-index: 999;
      position: sticky;
      position: -webkit-sticky;
      {% if position == "footer" %}
      bottom: 0;
      {% else %}
      top: 0;
      {% endif %}
    ha-card {
      background: none;
      {% if position == "footer" %}
      margin: 0 4px 4px 4px;
      {% else %}
      margin: 4px 4px 0 4px;
      {% endif %}
      --ha-card-border-width: 0 !important;
      --chip-border-width: 1px;
      --chip-height: 48px; 
      --chip-border-radius: 24px;
  {% for headerview in _global.views %}
  {% if (headerview.position == position) or (position == "both") %}
  {% if == view %}
  {% if view == "main" %}
  - type: action
    icon: mdi:tablet-dashboard
      action: fire-dom-event
        service: script.start_url
          browser_id: THIS
  {% else %}
  - type: back
  {% endif %} 
  {% else %}
  - tap_action:
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/{{ }}
    {% for key in headerview.chip|list %}
    {{ key }}: {{ headerview.chip[key]|tojson }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

if not using lovelace_gen ignore most of the weird stuff and focus on the card_mod css & the card structure.

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      style: |
        ha-card {
        border: solid 0px ;

Just wanted to pop in here and say THANK YOU to the creators of these cards. I really love the design of these and am so glad that there are so many community members that care not only about home automation, but also the user experience to make delightful upgrades like these.

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Thank you for the code.

Is it possible to have the progress bar ring around the wifi icon and the text beside that as in the pic below using mushroom chip card ?

Kindly guide


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thank your for the nice battery card.
I have in den friendlyname a letter in caps:
BildschirmĀ­foto 2023-01-06 um 10.46.51
but in the card the P is small:
BildschirmĀ­foto 2023-01-06 um 10.47.24
is there a way to fix this?

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Try this:

secondary: '{{ state_attr(entity, "friendly_name") }}'

The | title is left out which causes the capitals as first letter.


perfect - thanks!

Never mind, I forgot to install the right addon.