Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily 🍄 (Part 1)

Post a screenshot.

Here it is!

Try clearing your browser cache.

I use stack-in-card instead of horizontal-stack:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-person-card
    entity: person.ben
    layout: vertical
    icon_type: entity-picture
      style: |
        ha-card {
          --ha-card-border-width: 0;
  - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.bens_iphone_battery_level
        content_info: none
          action: more-info
          action: more-info
          action: more-info
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.bens_iphone_connection_type
        content_info: none
    alignment: center
      style: |
        ha-card {
          --chip-box-shadow: none;
          --chip-background: none;
          --chip-spacing: 0;
          --chip-border-width: 0;
          margin-top: -5%;
          margin-bottom: 2%;

I used your template, but stil the borders are visible… maybe I just have to live with it :sweat_smile:

Odd, should work… Did you try as @rhsyb suggested and clearing your browser cache?


@rhysb how would you go about removing the “Title” from the card and adding a little more asthetically pleasing X say to the top right hand of the map?

So, instead of the current white title bar with David in it, remove that totally and have a circled X level with the + but on the right of the card? Is that possible?

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Yes, i cleared my browser cache.

is a popup?

I apologize for interrupting you, @rhysb, and revisiting this topic. I am unsure if my question was answered, but I have been unable to resolve a few issues with the Album Art feature of your Mushroom Media Player. Specifically, I have noticed that the progress bar only appears when the player is paused, and the linear gradient appears too bright. It would be appreciated if the gradient could be made darker.



Can someone tell me if I can use this Mushroom drop down for links?
I want to be able to have a drop down that will navigate me to different URLs


Has the weather part been working fine for you @rhysb ?

I am seeing a weird behavior on my end:

however, the weather says otherwise:

@Mattia2399 Yeah, it’s a pop up using browser mod

anyone knows how i can make that graph-card not look cut off? like having a little fade in effect on it?


Hey friends! I was wondering if someone could help me - here’s what I’m trying to do.

I’d like to use mushroom cards to display severe weather information and do it in two ways:

  1. I’d like to display severe weather information from templates I’ve built. I’d like to use the attributes from the severe weather watch or warning statements to change the icon and color. For example: when a tornado watch is issued, I want the box to turn red and the icon to be a tornado.

  2. I’d like to prioritize certain watches and warnings over others. So, for example, if my area had a thunderstorm warning and tornado warning at the same time, I’d like for it to prioritize the tornado warning. Is there a way to have a hierarchy or use if/contains functions I could use?

I appreciate any help!

Perhaps something like this:

Mushroom Chip Map Popup

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: entity
    entity: person.rhys
    content_info: none
    use_entity_picture: true
      action: fire-dom-event
        service: browser_mod.popup
          title: Rhys
            type: vertical-stack
              - type: map
                  - entity: person.rhys
                dark_mode: false
                hours_to_show: 24
                aspect_ratio: '4:3'
                    ha-map $ ha-entity-marker $: |
                      .marker {

                        /* Style person marker & adjust position to avoid blocking waypoints */
                        border: 3px solid var(--state-person) !important;
                        border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 0px !important;
                        transform: rotate(-45deg) translate(50%, -50%);
                        overflow: visible !important;
                        background: var(--state-person) !important;
                      .entity-picture {

                        /* Correct orientation of person avatar */
                        transform: rotate(45deg);
                        border-radius: 50%;
                    ha-map $: |
                      path:first-child { 

                        /* Style accuracy radius */
                        stroke: var(--state-person);
                        fill: color-mix(in srgb, var(--state-person) 50%, transparent);
                        stroke-width: 0px;
                      path:nth-child(even) {

                        /* Styling for waypoints */
                        stroke: var(--purple-color);
                        fill: var(--purple-color);
                        stroke-width: 4px;
                      path:nth-child(odd):not(:first-child) { 

                        /* Styling for lines */
                        stroke: var(--purple-color);
                        stroke-width: 4px;

                      .leaflet-control-attribution {

                        /* Style attribution text */
                        #display: none;
                        background: rgba(var(--rgb-card-background-color), 0.4) !important;
                        font-size: 10px;
                      .leaflet-container a {

                        /* Set color of zoom icons & attribution text */
                        color: var(--secondary-text-color);

                      .leaflet-control-zoom-out {

                        /* Style zoom buttons like Chips */
                        border-radius: var(--mush-chip-border-radius, 19px) !important;
                        padding: 3px;
                        background: rgb(var(--rgb-secondary-text-color), 0.2) !important;
                        margin: 8px 8px 0px;
                        border: var(--ha-card-border-width, 1px) solid var(--ha-card-border-color, var(--divider-color, #e0e0e0)) !important;
                      .leaflet-top {

                        /* Move zoom buttons to bottom of map */
                        bottom: 0px !important;
                      .leaflet-control-zoom {

                        /* Allow buttons to be moved */
                        position: absolute !important;
                        /* Remove extra margin */
                        margin: 0px !important;

                        /* Remove zoom control border */
                        border: none !important;
                    .: |
                      ha-card {

                        /* Remove default card styling without affecting child elements */
                        box-shadow: none;
                        border-width: 0;
                        border-radius: 0px 0px var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px) var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px);
                        transition: all 0s;
                      :host {

                        /* Define Person State colors. Can be added to theme */
                        --state-person-home: var(--green-color);
                        --state-person-not-home: var(--red-color);
                        --state-person-zone: var(--blue-color);
                        --state-person-unknown: var(--grey-color);

                        /* Set person state color */
                        {% if is_state(config.entities[0].entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
                          var(--state-person-{{ states(config.entities[0].entity) | replace('_', '-') }})
                        {% else %}
                        {% endif %};
                      ha-icon-button {

                        /* Position center button */
                        bottom: 8px;
                        left: 8px !important;
                        top: auto !important;

                        /* Style center button to match Chip */
                        color: var(--deep-orange-color) !important;
                        background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--deep-orange-color) 20%, transparent);
                        border-radius: var(--mush-chip-border-radius, 19px);
                        border: var(--ha-card-border-width, 1px) solid var(--ha-card-border-color, var(--divider-color, #e0e0e0)) !important;
              ha-header-bar$: |
                .mdc-top-app-bar__section--align-start {
                  justify-content: end !important;
                .mdc-top-app-bar__section {
                  padding: 0px !important;
                .mdc-top-app-bar__title {
                  display: none;
                .mdc-top-app-bar__row {
                  height: 36px !important;
                .mdc-top-app-bar {
                  padding: 8px;
              .: |
                ha-icon-button {
                  background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--grey-color) 20%, transparent);
                  border-radius: var(--mush-chip-border-radius, 19px);
                  border: var(--ha-card-border-width, 1px) solid var(--ha-card-border-color, var(--divider-color, #e0e0e0)) !important;
                ha-header-bar {
                  margin-bottom: -64px;
                  width: 36px;
                  margin-left: auto !important;
                :host {

                  /* Remove border from poup */
                  --popup-padding-x: 0px;
                  --popup-padding-y: 0px;
                  --popup-min-width: 450px;
                  --mdc-icon-button-size: 36px;
                  --mdc-icon-size: 18px;
                .content {

                  /* Remove extra bottom border */
                  margin: -24px -24px -24px !important;
      style: |

        /* Color border around avatar to show person status */
        ha-card {
          {% if is_state(config.entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
            rgb(var(--rgb-state-person-{{ states(config.entity) | replace('_', '-') }} ))
          {% else %}
          {% endif %};

        /* Slightly enlarge & bring to front on hover */
        ha-card:hover {
          transform: scale(1.2);
          transform-origin: top center;
          z-index: 1;
          transition: all 1s;

These mushroom cards are great - so much better than defaults

Currently I use the subtitle field to display today’s calendar events that I get from a local json endpoint (I have a separate python script that fetches the items from several calendars and processes them into date and time order).

Json example:

{"todays_events": [{"dt_start": "2023-04-01 07:45:00+01:00", "dt_end": "2023-04-02 10:00:00+01:00", "who": "Person 1", "start_date": "01/04/2023", "start_time": "07:45:00", "end_date": "02/04/2023", "end_time": "10:00:00", "summary": "Test Event 1"}

Mushroom card subtitle

subtitle: >-
      {% for calendar_item in
      %}{{calendar_item.who + " - " + calendar_item.summary + " " +
      calendar_item.start_time}}{% endfor%}

I’d love to instead display each calendar item in a chip card at the top and use the “who” key to change the colour of the chip card for ease of identification. Is there a way to generate these chip cards dynamically?

Using rhysb his welcome card (godly card!)
For some reason i cant get the number of weather next to the cloud. :frowning:
Anyone know how to?

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:layout-card
    layout_type: custom:grid-layout
      grid-template-columns: auto auto
      margin: 8px 4px 4px 4px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: entity
            entity: person.laurens
            content_info: none
            use_entity_picture: true
              style: |
                /* Color border around avatar to show person status */
                ha-card {
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
                    rgb(var(--rgb-state-person-{{ states(config.entity) | replace('_', '-') }} ))
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %};
                /* Slightly enlarge & bring to front on hover */
                ha-card:hover {
                  transform: scale(1.2);
                  transform-origin: top center;
                  z-index: 1;
                  transition: all 1s;
          - type: entity
            entity: person.adna
            content_info: none
            use_entity_picture: true
              style: |
                /* Color border around avatar to show person status */
                ha-card {
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
                    rgb(var(--rgb-state-person-{{ states(config.entity) | replace('_', '-') }} ))
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %};
                /* Slightly enlarge & bring to front on hover */
                ha-card:hover {
                  transform: scale(1.2);
                  transform-origin: top center;
                  z-index: 1;
                  transition: all 1s;
          - type: entity
            entity: person.jax
            content_info: none
            use_entity_picture: true
              action: call-service
              service: input_boolean.toggle
                entity_id: input_boolean.jax_home_not_home
              data: {}
              style: |
                /* Color border around avatar to show person status */
                ha-card {
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
                    rgb(var(--rgb-state-person-{{ states(config.entity) | replace('_', '-') }} ))
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %};
                /* Slightly enlarge & bring to front on hover */
                ha-card:hover {
                  transform: scale(1.2);
                  transform-origin: top center;
                  z-index: 1;
                  transition: all 1s;
          - type: entity
            entity: person.gast
            content_info: none
            use_entity_picture: true
              action: call-service
              service: input_boolean.toggle
                entity_id: input_boolean.gast_home_not_home
              data: {}
              style: |
                /* Color border around avatar to show person status */
                ha-card {
                  {% if is_state(config.entity, ['home', 'not_home', 'unknown']) %}
                    rgb(var(--rgb-state-person-{{ states(config.entity) | replace('_', '-') }} ))
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %};
                /* Slightly enlarge & bring to front on hover */
                ha-card:hover {
                  transform: scale(1.2);
                  transform-origin: top center;
                  z-index: 1;
                  transition: all 1s;
        alignment: end
          style: |
            ha-card { 
              /* Overlap avatar Chips */
              --chip-spacing: calc(-1 * var(--mush-chip-spacing, 8px));

              /* Set size of border around Chips */
              --chip-avatar-padding: 2px;

              /* Reduce width to fit Chips & allow max space for weather */
              width: fit-content;
              transition: all 0s;
      - type: custom:weather-card
        entity: weather.buienradar
        details: false
        current: true
        forecast: false
            .: |
              ha-card {
                --ha-card-background: none;
                --ha-card-box-shadow: none;
                --ha-card-border-width: 0;
                padding: 5px !important;
                font-size: 8px;
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: custom:mod-card
          type: custom:mushroom-title-card
          title: |-
            {% set time = now().hour %}
            {% if (time >= 18) %} 
            {% elif (time >= 12) %}
            {% elif (time >= 5) %}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}
          subtitle: |
            {{ user }}!
          alignment: start
            mushroom-title-card$: |
              /* Style greeting */
              .title {
                --title-font-size: var(--mush-title-font-size, 16px);
                --title-font-weight: var(--mush-subtitle-font-weight, light);
                color: var(--secondary-text-color) !important;
              /* Style name */
              .subtitle {
                --subtitle-font-size: var(--mush-title-font-size, 24px);
                --subtitle-font-weight: var(--mush-title-font-weight, bold);
                color: var(--primary-text-color) !important;
                padding-left: 12px;
              /* Set spacing around greeting */
              .header {
                --title-padding: 0px 12px 24px;
                --title-spacing: 8px;

Here you go.

Mushroom Horizontal Graph:

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
    entity: sensor.family_room_sensor_humidity
    primary_info: state
    secondary_info: name
    name: Humidity
    icon_color: blue
      style: |
        ha-card {
          z-index: 1;
          --ha-card-border-width: 0;
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.family_room_sensor_humidity
        name: Temperature
        color: var(--blue-color)
    height: 60
    hours_to_show: 24
    line_width: 3
    animate: true
      name: false
      icon: false
      state: false
      legend: false
      fill: fade
      style: |
        ha-card {
          position: absolute !important;
          height: 100%;
          width: 100%;
          top: 0px;
          --ha-card-border-width: 0;
        ha-card:after {
          content: "";
          position: absolute;
          width: 100%;
          height: 100%;
          background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--card-background-color) 20%, transparent);

Yes, weather is fine for me. I have my own weather station…

Have a look here:

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