Mushroom Cards - Build a beautiful dashboard easily šŸ„ (Part 1)

Hello together

Iā€™ve been following and using Mushroom for a long time now, previously I used lovelace-ui-minimalist which inspired me to do this project. Which is why I spent the last few days creating a collection of your awesome mushroom cards. :mushroom:

Which you can find here: awesome-mushroom-cards

The idea is to give a quick good overview of the amazing user creations, especially classified by the card types.

Also I want to make it easier for everyone to import cards. I have changed the cards so that all entities are simplified like sensor.temp_01, sensor.hum_01, light.dummy_02 and so on. This makes it easier for you to simply Use CTR+F to search and replace all sensor.temp_01 with your correct entity.

With best knowledge I always put in the author and the corresponding link, of course many of them are from @rhysb If something is wrong, or you donā€™t want to have your card listed here, please contact me.

If you have any suggestions, want to publish your own cards or something different let me know or make a pull request on GitHub,

If you are not familiar with GitHub I have created a template which you can send me here or via a GitHub issue. So I will publish it in the documentation. >

of course there will follow many more cards :slight_smile:


That would aswesome. didnā€™t do the job?
If not, Iā€™ll send a private msg

Wow, thanks. That was easy. Works perfect. I was already looking into layout card but missed this for some reason.

Added this to the bottom of my code to have it stick to the bottom of the page/screen (";host" part) and then transparent (ha-card part). Hope this helps!

  style: |
    :host {
      z-index: 999;
      position: sticky;
      position: -webkit-sticky;
      bottom: 0;
    ha-card {
      background: none;
      --ha-card-box-shadow: 0px;
      padding-bottom: 25px;


Any way to add in the ability to quickly change source? Always been my one and only gripe with this mushroom media player card. Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve been using the mini-media-player HACS integration card.

@ArenaCloser was also asking about this, so Iā€™ve added the ability display a generic idle art.

My original post has been updated here.

Mushroom Media Player Ultrablur Background with Idle Art:

Mushroom Media Player Idle Art

Just place the idle_art.png image in your config/www directory. I used this one, by Marhull, here:


Have a look here:

Could any help me with templating?
would like to have ā€œ- Testā€ returned intead of :
" - {ā€˜subjectā€™: ā€˜Testā€™}"

   {% for task in state_attr('sensor.xxxxx', 'all_tasks')  -%}
                  - {{ task }}
                  {% endfor %}

Animating Chips is a little more complicated. You can do the Christmas Tree like this.

Mushroom Chip Christmas Tree Animation:

Mushroom Chip Christmas Animation

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:pine-tree
    icon_color: green
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:star
    icon_color: yellow
      action: none
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:grain
    icon_color: red
      action: none
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:gift
    icon_color: red
      action: none
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(2)$: |
      mushroom-chip {
        cursor: default !important;
      ha-icon {
        position: absolute;
        left: -35px;
        animation: star 8s ease infinite alternate;
      @keyframes star {
        0%, 100% { transform: translateY(-9px) rotate(0deg) scale(0.4); }
        50% { transform: translateY(-9px) rotate(360deg) scale(0.6); }
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(3)$: |
      mushroom-chip {
        cursor: default !important;
      ha-icon {
        position: absolute;
        left: -79px;
        animation: flash 2s steps(1) infinite, lights 2s infinite;
        clip-path: polygon(51% 15%, 24% 74%, 74% 74%);
      @keyframes flash {
        50% { transform: rotateY(180deg); }
      @keyframes lights {
        0%, 100% {--color: rgb(var(--rgb-red)); }
        6.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-orange)); }
        12.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-orange)); }
        18.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-amber)); }
        25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-yellow)); }
        31.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-lime)); }
        37.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-light-green)); }
        43.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-green)); }
        50% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-teal)); }
        56.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-cyan)); }
        62.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-light-blue)); }
        68.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-blue)); }
        75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-indigo)); }
        81.25% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-deep-purple)); }
        87.5% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-purple)); }
        93.75% { --color: rgb(var(--rgb-pink)); }
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(4)$: |
      mushroom-chip {
        cursor: default !important;
      ha-icon {
        position: absolute;
        left: -114px;
        bottom: 8px;
        animation: surprise 4s ease infinite;
        --chip-icon-size: 8px;
      @keyframes surprise {
        0%, 20%, 100% { transform: translateY(0); }
        2.5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-27deg); }
        5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(21deg); }
        7.5% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(-15deg); }
        10% { transform: translateY(-2px) rotate(9deg); }
        12.5% { transform: translateY(0); }
        15% { transform: translateY(-1.2px) }
    .: |
      mushroom-template-chip:not(:first-child) {
        --chip-background: none;
        --chip-box-shadow: none;

It needs to be applied to the Chips like this:

type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
  - type: template
    icon: mdi:cloud-download-outline
    icon_color: green
    content: |-
      {{ states(entity) }} Mbit/s 
    entity: sensor.speedtest_download
      action: more-info
    mushroom-template-chip:nth-child(1)$: |
      ha-icon {
        animation: boing 3s ease infinite;
        transform-origin: 50% 90%;
      @keyframes boing {
        0% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }
        7% { transform: scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1); }
        10% { transform: scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1); }
        12% { transform: scale3d(1.15, 0.85, 1); }
        16% { transform: scale3d(0.95, 1.05, 1); }
        19% { transform: scale3d(1.05, 0.95, 1); }
        25% { transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); }
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No, unfortunately that canā€™t be done with pure CSS. It would need to be done in real code :grin:

This is awesome!
Can this icon be use to toggle the Christmas light and stay grey when the light is off?

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Yeah, Iā€™d like to know this. @rhysb has been awesome with what he has produced :raised_hands:

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Does anyone have any examples of their YAML using a mushroom template to display an analog value (showing both the value and a bar chart)? Similar to the standard gauge card that is in HA, but i want the mushroom look. Can we use the light card but change the ā€œdimmerā€ bar at the bottom to represent the value over a custom min / max range?


Hi guys, I need your help.
Since the last update the icons (see image) are all the same Processing: immagine.bmpā€¦

color how can I fix it? Thanks in advance

mushroom theme


my code

# This file will be reset with updates.
# If you want to customize it, copy the content in another folder and file and change the name.
PC Mushroom:
    # Home Assistant override
    ha-card-background: rgba(10,10,10,10,0)
    ha-card-box-shadow: "0px 0px 1px #000000"
    ha-card-border-width: 0
    # Home Assistant override
    ha-card-border-radius: 6px
    # Layout
    mush-spacing: 8px
    # Elements
    mush-icon-border-radius: 6px
    mush-control-border-radius: 6px
    # Chips
    mush-chip-border-radius: 6px
        light: {}
        dark: {}

Hi Giuseppe, just a tip:

Ah thanks, that might be why I canā€™t get it working then :joy:

Iā€™ll have to try and think of a plan B, maybe there is some state I could use from HA as the trigger for scenes instead

Iā€™m sorry I made a mistake but I donā€™t know how to enter the code

Highlight the code youā€™re posting and then click that button.

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