Dear comunity,
I found something interesting (at least for me) and I want to share in order to save time to somebody.
Thanks to the masive badges incompatibility introduced in 2024.8, (argh: 2024.8: Beautiful badges!), I was forced to rewrite one dashboard. I decided to use mushroom-chips card. Its template kind was almost ideal for my purpose except the content which is allways showed in one line. Googling and experimentig I found the way to display multi line text in template chip.
There is the code:
type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
- type: template
entity: switch.grijanje_termostat
use_entity_picture: true
content: |
{{ state_attr("sensor.grijanje_termostat_state", "desc_hr") }}
picture: '{{ state_attr("sensor.grijanje_termostat_state","picture") }}'
action: more-info
style: |
::slotted(span) {
content: "\a";
white-space: pre;
--chip-background: {%- if is_state('var.plamenik_greska', 'on') -%}#ffd0d0{%- else -%}{%- if is_state('binary_sensor.thermostat_on', 'on') -%}#ffe4b3{%- else -%}#d0ffd0{%- endif -%}{%- endif -%};
--chip-border-color: {%- if is_state('var.plamenik_greska', 'on') -%}red{%- else -%}{%- if is_state('binary_sensor.thermostat_on', 'on') -%}orange{%- else -%}green{%- endif -%}{%- endif -%};
--card-mod-icon-color: {%- if is_state('var.plamenik_greska', 'on') -%}red{%- else -%}{%- if is_state('binary_sensor.thermostat_on', 'on') -%}orange{%- else -%}green{%- endif -%}{%- endif -%};
This produces: