Looking for ideas on how to fix my horizontal mushroom light cards in the sections view. The grid sizing has been changed on latest update. Here’s what I’ve got. Looks like it’s cutting off the climate cards as well.
it has to do with the size ratio you are using. it would be helpful to post a snippet of your yaml for the card.
This happened to me too today after the Core update. Haven’t figure out a solution yet, might be a mushroom update soon to fix it
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type: custom:mushroom-light-card
entity: light.office_lamp_2
use_light_color: false
show_color_temp_control: true
show_brightness_control: true
name: Lamp
grid_columns: 4
grid_rows: 1
layout: horizontal
icon: mdi:lamp
Nothing custom going on except mushroom. I rolled back for now. The view is still “experimental” so I guess we’ll see what happens in the future.
@dave425 I have the same issue. Tried to uninstall and install and it didn’t help. Which version of mushrooms you have?
Same error on mushroom 4.0.3 an HA 2024.8.2.
Which version of mushrooms you have?