Mushroom Template Chip card: is it possible to set up more-info action for another entity?

I’m using a mushroom template chip card.
Is it possible to set up a double_tap_action with more-info which shows the history graph of another entity?

Here is the sample code but it doesn’t work. Does anyone know if it’s possible with slightly different syntax? Thanks.

      - type: template
        icon: mdi:blur
        entity: sensor.guest_bedroom_aqi_air_quality_index
          action: more-info  # this shows the hist graph of the main sensor
          action: more-info sensor.guest_bedroom_aqi_trailing_10_min_average # this is meant to show the hist graph of another sensor
        icon_color: >
          {% from 'climate_related_template_macros.jinja' import
          icon_color_based_on_air_iq_level %} {{