Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

ARe you putting 192.168.x.x in the server field and usb31 in the share field?

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thank you very much! that’s how it works

I’m doing an automation so in the morning when I come downstairs, music starts on a specific station at a certain volume. Automation is below, but confused about how to find the ID of the radio station. I’ve shown JazzFM below just as a placeholder.

Also, will action: media_player.volume_set work with Music Assistant in an automation?

alias: Morning music and lights
description: Music, TV and lights first thing in morning
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.screek_human_sensor_f2_front_hall_movement
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  - condition: time
    after: "06:30:00"
    before: "08:30:00"
      - sun
      - sat
      - fri
      - thu
      - wed
      - mon
      - tue
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.day_night_mode
    state: "off"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.toggle_morning_music_played
    state: "off"
  - data:
      volume_level: 0.3
        - media_player.living_room_arc
        - media_player.living_room_pair
    action: media_player.volume_set
  - action: mass.play_media
        - media_player.living_room_arc
        - media_player.master_bedroom
      media_type: radio
      enqueue: play
      media_id: JazzFM
  - target:
      entity_id: light.pot_lights_south_switch
    data: {}
    action: light.turn_on
  - target:
        - input_boolean.toggle_morning_music_played
    data: {}
    action: input_boolean.turn_on
mode: single

For me the Media ID is just the display name of the station.

I have “BBC Radio 6 Music” as a radio channel in my Music Assistant favourites.

In my automation I have

  media_type: radio
  media_id: BBC Radio 6 Music
action: mass.play_media
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I have Music Assistant already setup for a while and yesterday was playing around with the voice assist control. It seems to work for the most part but I could not get it to play and radio station via TuneIn at all.
I read this and I’m using the LLM agent (Gemini) without the specific MA conversation agent.
Can anyone explain;

  • Why other music works but nothing from TuneIn, do I have to use a specific keyword?
  • How is the MA specific agent supposed to work? - I can pick an agent on the integration for MA but how does that affect what I’m doing when I make an assist request as the assist window already has a drop down for the agent to use…

Also, since I’m using my voice and may be making a generic request (not related to MA) OR a request for music to be played how are they supposed to separated so they use different agents, do I have to use different wake words depending on the request type?

Here’s a method for a combined satellite and media player.

Using any Android device:

Use Stream Assist and an audio streaming app such as IP Webcam.
You’ll need two apps that expose media players to Music Assistant.
One for Stream Assist to use for Assist TTS playback (I’m using Air Receiver), and one for Music Assistant (I’m using Snapcast).

Using two different media players lets you trigger automations based on media player state changes to duck the music volume when wake word is detected, and return to the original volume when Assist TTS playback ends.
As an example, here is an automation blueprint (and Air Receiver setup notes) I made for Dinki’s View Assist project.

It is possible to use just one media player for both Stream Assist and Music Assistant, but you can only duck the volume between wake word detection and before Assist TTS playback begins.

Untested speculative methods:

  • The above method should also work with any other device that can both stream audio to Stream Assist and can expose some kind of media player to Music Assistant (i.e. snap client, airplay, DLNA, etc.).

  • For devices running Android 10+ using this method for Assist with local wake word detection, and the Snapcast app as a media player.

*Note that I have only tested the first method.

On the code a few posts above, the automation using the radio station name as the media ID worked great. But…although I chose just two speakers in the automation (see below), the music played on ALL speakers using the same selection set from the night before. Does anyone have any experience with this?

Simple Playlists for guests that come over.

Alright, HA is great and now I’m at a point when I have guests over, I would like to find a simple way for them to create playlists. I would imagine having them on my guest WIFI. Hoping this Music Assistant is the answer. Haven’t install it yet, just looking for opinions and such.

Can I do anonymous logins to MA if they are on my network (wifi)?
Are the logins handled by HA or MA? User accounts.
Are there plug-ins for MA like there are HA?
Does MA support music videos and music video playlists? Local MP4/MKV files

My setup:
HA on VM in Server 2022
Smart TV (Vizio) in my garage with surround sound. HDMI to my Server

Pretty much the answer is no for all your questions. Having a jukebox mode is a requested feature, search the GitHub discussions for more info

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except it only seems to work if you have forced the stations to be displayed in the GUI first - eg if you search for something that is not yet “cached” it wont be found.

(At least for me with server 2.2.6)

@marcelveldt How can I get into the docker terminal?
With the command docker exec -u root -it addon_d5369777_music_assistant /bin/bash

Reni gets an error that the /bin/bash

docker exec -u root -it addon_d5369777_music_assistant sh

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Does MA now work with Alexa Echo devices?
Unfortunately I want the error message:
o play tts please set announce to true. Music can’t be played this way

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Love the integration and add-on by can’t figure out speaker selection and play/pause issues.

Started music this morning with an automation, turning on just the kitchen area speakers but it started on all the speakers, perhaps that was the last grouping selected.

Changed to a different station. Listened, all was good. Had to make a phone call so went into MA on my PC, and while it shows the correct station playing, no speakers were selected:

No big deal, clicked on the speaker icon to select Sonos Indoor (created by group method #2) and then planned to return to main screen and press pause.

So clicked on Sonos Indoor group, returned to main screen and still no speakers showed as selected. So couldn’t mute (pause) the radio.

Only solution was to go back into the speaker selection and click Office (I’m in the office) on the sidebar. That muted the Office speaker.Yet, it didn’t even show as being on (highlighted).

Now, off the phone call, go back in and click the Office speaker “power” to turn it on. It turns on. But look at the speakers and ONLY office shows as on (highlighted), the others are dark yet, they are all playing.

So still can’t press pause on the main screen to turn off the radio on all speakers.since no speakers are showing as being selected on the main screen, and so there is no pause button to press.

No. Echo devices do not support the necesary streaming functionality

Sonos Indoor was selected in your screenshots

Your middle issue is possibly this Play/Pause button incorrect, currently playing track incorrect · Issue #2934 · music-assistant/hass-music-assistant · GitHub

The last image I have seen reported elsewhere but I can’t find it now. Groups are currently being revamped.

Thank you.

I’ve had Music Assistant installed for over a year. It works great within the browser or HA. But is there a nice card for the dashboard?
I have setup several radios and would like to be able to access them by pressing a Radio button that would pop open a MA card where I could select the radios, or playlists or what not.


You can follow along or contribute here on this topic Dashboard/lovelace Music Assistant Support · music-assistant · Discussion #954 · GitHub

Also have a look here for alternate solutions music-assistant Show And Tell · Discussions · GitHub

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Seems like rxritalin is working on a really nice one. Can’t wait til he releases it.