Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Hi all, I just got Music Assistant running on my system. Loving it. I have just one strange observation: When I pause a track, the playback will continue automatically after a few seconds with the next track. This happens only in my Slimproto Players. Does anyone have the same experience. Any idea what is causing this behavior?

QUESTION RE: RADIO BROWSER: Loving this music source. But the issue for me is, I can’t find and choose stations I may enjoy because AFAIK, you can’t do searches. You can only list by tag or popularity.
A related issue that only came to light with Radio Browser’s list being so long, the page up/down button doesn’t seem to be integrated into MA when on my computer. That’s a lot of mouse wheel scrolling.

Last time I looked, I could search in radio browser in ma.

EDIT: seems my memory is faulty. Probably the best way is to look on radio to use their search function.

I tried that, but even when you find the station you want (st. tropez Samba 103.6) for instance, how do you select it?

Any info on page up / page down?

EDIT: Page up down works??? I was sure I tested it before.
EDIT #2: It doesn’t scroll again. I opened a second tab in Firefox and the scroll didn’t work. I went back to the original tab and the scroll, which worked before, does not work when pressing page up or page down.

I started seeing odd behavior with the radio functions similar to what your first posted with version 2.2.1. Then I tried 2.2.3 and it seems very broken now. As described by your 2nd post. For me MA cant find any radio stations at all.

V2.1.4 still working fine for me.

I have learned a backup is valuable before updating MA, as I’ve seen the radio function break on a few past versions.

You can search. Go to browse>>radio browser>>by country (or whatever) and then use the search icon at the top.

As for using Firefox we see inconsistencies in its implementation so better to use a different browser (not Safari or Arc)

Edit: you can also use the action

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How can i embed this in a dashboard ?

I want a menu on the left, and if pressed a button, I want the music assistant be seen

What is “this”?

Is it possible to have the whole player as a side screen ?

You can access the music assistant gui from the side menu, assuming that’s what you mean by “side screen”.

not really. but maybe that’s the way to go

Or do mean as a card / view in your Dashboard?

See " Access the Now Playing view directly via URL" here. and add it as a webpage card/view


BETA 21 is worthy of mention. There is a new player provider - Bluesound. Sync between these devices will come soon.

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This is absolutely amazing. I’ve been tinkering around with HA for a few years now and have tried various ways to get Spotify and Sonos and HA to play nice and I was about to give up on my Sonos system all together until I gave this a try. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE HARD WORK.


This thing is so awesome! You’re going to make me rework my entire home audio automation system.

I have a question about integrating with dashboards. While I saw a prior post that advised users of placing music assistant into a web card, I wanted to know whether music could be more customizable to only allow access to one set of speaker groups.

The thought process would be a user would be on a dashboard and no matter what music that user picked.l, it would play on a certain set of speakers, and the volume slider would only control that set of speakers. There would be no ability for that user to control any other speakers.

For example: if you had a set of speakers in the backyard, you could control them with a tablet and a dashboard that would only control audio and volume for the backyard with no opportunity to control any other speakers anywhere in the house (accidentally).

There is a Sonos card that is available. It does something similar to that, however, when you use the Sonos card and play music, it does not align with the music that is playing in music assistant.

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A dedicated card is still on the to do list. You can look to create your own with HA. Look here for inspiration

Also this might be useful Frequently Asked Questions - How Do I...? - Music Assistant


@marcelveldt In the LMS player, when you enter a radio station from a url address, I also see the caption that is broadcast from the station, such as the name of an artist and the lyrics of the song,
Does MA also have such a function?

Yes it does

Would love to see this. I typically hide the sidebar on my tablets and would like to have access to MA (even a playlist card) if possible.